OverviewThe Village of Honeoye Falls is a place of enormous charm and countrified beauty. Honeoye Creek runs through the area, and a lovely waterfall can be seen in the center of the village. The Main Street region sports flowers in the summer and twinkling lights in the winter, inviting residents to stroll leisurely through town. Neighborhoods are lined with neat, manicured homes where you’ll find residents gathering on porches to chat, surrounded by hanging baskets of fresh flowers and rocking chairs.
Good to Know The Honeoye Falls Fire Department protects the Village; and medical emergencies are covered by Honeoye Falls-Mendon Volunteer Ambulance. Police calls are handled by the Monroe County Sheriffs Dept. The Mendon Public Library is located at 22 North Main Street in Honeoye Falls NY. A new library is in the works, with residents working hard to raise funds for the project. (585) 624-6067.
Local Museums & Landmarks The Honeoye Falls-Mendon Historical Society runs a museum at 1 Allen Park Drive. There you’ll find a display of Native American artifacts and information on the Pioneer Days of Honeoye Falls…. The Peacock Oriental Museum is located at the Lower Mill, 61 North Main Street. On the third floor, there’s a four-room gallery of 18th, 19th and 20th century artifacts from China, Japan and the Far East as well as a peacock-inspired collection of art, antiques and jewelry. |
Community Rating (1) ★★★★★

 Public Schools ★★★★★
 Lifestyle & Essentials ★★☆☆☆
 Recreation & Entertainment –
 Affordability ★★☆☆☆
 Crime & Safety –
 Transportation & Traffic ★★☆☆☆
| Ratings derived from responses placed through the ZAGPAD survey below. |